Saturday 7 September 2013

Face Collage

This is a collage I created as part of homework that was given. I was surprised by the outcome of this as I was given feedback from tutors and other students that it was really creative, interesting and  very spooky. I think this is my best work that was created that week. I ran out of ideas on how I can create an effective yet great piece of work. It took a couple of hours before my creativeness started to flow. I worked very fast pased on this collage and worked as I went along as nothing was planned before as it was pretty much done by improvisation. 

This photo is the original make of the collage where I used patterns I found from magazines and from my personal collections of pictures. I used a mixture of prints/patterns and colours.

This is a copy of my first picture which was sent from a computer onto acetate sheets. I tried to use another source of media to develop my collage. I think it looks really effective in person especially when put infront of a plain white background. It is also transparent and can be put infront of a photocopy of my collage and put layered ontop and moved slightly to the right or left to created a double vision effect. 

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