Wednesday 26 February 2014

Deconstruct - Reconstruct

The most experimental project was this one as it was very hands on and physical. The beginning was to find/buy unused clothes in its normal form and shape and we had to deconstruct them by tear, cut and un-stitch to then recreate a garment that was made from mixed materials that could not be identified from its previous form. As a final piece I made a gillet jacket that had different fabrics and textures combined. I had a vision that I wanted to incorporate fur inside my final. I bought a jacket with a fur lining and tore apart the lining and reversed it to make the body of the jacket. I also bought a gold embroidered vest that I ripped apart along side quilted pockets. One of my strengths are the use of colours therefore I thought I should used a pop of colour into my final.

I did drawings and experimental prints by using pieces of the fur jacket which I spray painted and printed onto paper which was then put into Photoshop and edited to create a ripple effect. This is shown in my final illustration designs which I enjoy doing to make sure my design development is fully explored in depth. I struggle the most with two week projects because it takes a while to think of a idea and be consistent and stick with it. The project has pushed myself to create more work and I have learnt that when under pressure I can produce a lot of effective work. 

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